About us

About Us

African Child and Youth Empowerment Foundation is a UK based charity founded with the sole aim of helping the poor African children and youths acquire basic education, which could be formal or informal.

We see education in its general sense as a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and or research. It dispels ignorance. It is the only wealth that cannot be robbed. Learning includes the moral values and the improvement of character and the methods to increase the strength of mind.

We are a non-governmental and non–profit making education and empowerment foundation in the United Kingdom, with our main theme and activities centred on creating awareness of the need for proper, effective, functional and purposeful education for the African children and youths.

To achieve this, we expose to the world the clear and undisguised poor conditions, obstacles, impediments and barriers to education for African children and youths and work towards ameliorating them.

Having realised that education (both formal and informal) is the key to emancipation of the human mind, we believe that the potentials and resourcefulness of the African children and youths are immense and must be brought to the fore and well harnessed. This will not only benefit the Africans but also the world at large.

Our Vision

To alleviate and hence contribute to eradicating illiteracy, poverty and diseases and to empower the African Children and Youths in Africa and the UK for the challenges of tomorrow.

Our Mission

To assist in the education, empowerment and development of the disadvantaged African children and youths in Africa and United Kingdom.

To contribute to the improvement of the quality and standard of education and training systems in Africa.

To assist in the provision of suitable and appropriate facilities, equipment and connections for the training of African children and youths.


  • To draw attention to and create awareness for the need to help in the education of the poor and disadvantaged African children and youths;
  • To draw attention to and create awareness for the need to help in the education of the poor and disadvantaged African children and youths;
  • To assist in the education, empowerment and development of the disadvantaged African children and youths in Africa and United Kingdom
  • To solicit for the aid and assistance of Africans and non-Africans in taking steps and participating in alleviating and eventual elimination of the plight and problems militating against the education of African children and youths;
  • To source for sponsorship both in material and human resources for giving help to the African children and youths for their education;
  • To educate, train and continually inform the relevant persons and authorities involved with the education of African children and youths;
  • To ensure that every African child of age has access to functional education without deprivation due to sex, race, poverty, disability or disease;
  • To work with the international bodies, governments and non-governmental bodies in ensuring that education of the African child and youth is given a priority;
  • To campaign against and discourage African Youths and Children from joining gangs
  • To campaign against Child Labour;
  • To campaign against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) both in Africa and the UK;
  • To campaign against early child and forced marriages

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To donate Books, clothes, etc, click here to contact any of our representatives.

Your contributions will be greatly appreciated.