
Press Releases

The 2015 edition of the annual AFRICYEF Best Students awards at Secondary Technical School Umunwanwa, Abia State Nigeria was held on the 30th of June 2015.
The awards were presented to students who have excelled in Mathematics and Sciences in both Junior and Senior Secondary categories. The aim is to encourage students to aspire to greater heights irrespective of adverse socio-economic conditions.

The winners are:
Best Mathematics Student (Junior) – Odinakachi Samuel
Best Mathematics Student (Senior) – Patricia Sunday
Best Science Student (Junior) – Odimbu Chinaecherem
Best Science Student (Senior) – Pat Sunday

These worthy winners were presented with certificates, cash awards and books. Please see pictures.

Positive feedback received from other students show that the Awards scheme has created healthy rivalry and a competitive atmosphere as they also desire to win the awards. As a result of this feedback, we look to expand our reach to other schools in different parts of Africa.

In July, AFRICYEF will be in Ghana to support students of the Aggrey Memorial Zion Secondary School Cape Coast Ghana in the National Science and Mathematics Quiz competition 2015 and will also be presenting them with awards.

We would need your support as we work together to inspire and empower bright students who due to no fault of theirs have to study under militating circumstances such as abject poverty, bad governance and lack of infrastructure and resources, to excel.

We will also make laptop donations to any child who gets the highest score in Jamb in Umunwanwa and at the same time secures admission to study science or engineering course in any federal university in Nigeria.

AFRICYEF will also be donating a laptop to any child who gets the highest score in Jamb in Umunwanwa and at the same time secures admission to study a science or engineering course in any federal university in Nigeria.

‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ - Nelson Mandela.

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To donate Books, clothes, etc, click here to contact any of our representatives.

Your contributions will be greatly appreciated.